Where Are All The Social Media Followers?

In our latest research – How The Largest Australian Organisations Are Using Social Media, we uncovered some interesting insights. One of the biggest was the number of followers across each social network.

In a tally of the total numbers of followers for 500 of the largest Australian organisations we found that Facebook has in excess of 4.4 million followers and 5 times the total following of Twitter, 10 times the LinkedIn following and 88 times the YouTube following. The variation between all networks is huge and Facebook has a huge lead with 3 times the following as the other networks combined.

This gives organisations something to think about when considering their approach to social media. Before using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or YouTube, an organisation needs to understand which networks their audience use and why. A primary purpose of organisations using social media is to engage with their audience and the size of that audience may be hugely variable between the different networks, so choose wisely.