Best 4 SMS Marketing Tools For Businesses Of All Sizes

Best 4 SMS Marketing Tools For Businesses Of All Sizes

Whilst email marketing is still regarded as one of the top ways to communicate with prospects and customers, the huge explosion in the use of mobile phones over the past 20 years, has brought another marketing channel to the fore. We are referring to SMS marketing, and given that people will read 9 out of 10 texts they receive within 3 minutes, it has become a hugely effective means of communicating and building relationships with prospects and customers.

We must point out from the start that what we are talking about here is not you or your marketing team sending SMS messages directly from your mobile phones but instead setting up a proper SMS marketing campaign and managing it through to the point where you can measure its effectiveness. To do so you will need SMS marketing software, and here we are going to highlight 4 of the best SMS marketing tools that are currently available.


This has a huge advantage over many of the other SMS tools available because you can use it for email marketing as well. Having both types of marketing managed on a single platform streamlines your operation and means that you can use its features to optimise both types of campaigns.

Some of Klaviyo’s most useful features include excellent deliverability of SMS messages, A/B testing, ROI tracking, segmentation of email and SMS subscribers and two-click personalisation of SMS messages. There is a free trial to get started and tiered pricing based on the number of individual email and SMS contacts you have on your subscriber list, and how many messages you plan to send each month.

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